Tips for hopeful Christmas-New Year sellers:

Tips for seling your home - September 2016

Don’t be fooled by the misconception that Christmas presents with it a seasonally quiet property market. Often this is the period when buyers have more time, are making changes and resettling.

While selling your home in the Christmas period has a number of advantages, there are a few considerations to take into account.

Choose the right agent.

Look for someone who

  • knows the local market and particularly how it acts though the Christmas –New Year period
  • is working through the period
  • is prepared to keep up their profile and the advertising of listings
  • prepared to keep talking with buyers and sellers


Don’t expect a lack of competition.

You’ll probably hear and read that there are less properties on the market over Christmas and New Year so motivated buyers will have fewer to choose from; and that it’s not as hard to stand out from the crowd.

Don’t believe it. Some agents perpetuate the myth that business falls away over Christmas, but not all.

There will be many agents, like the one you chose, who haven’t shut up shop and taken a break, and are still working with large numbers of buyers and sellers.


Identify the motivated buyers.

You and your agent should have a clear picture about buyers who may be on a deadline, which may include people relocating for jobs or education, and even tenants who’ve decided the New Year will mean home ownership.


Bring on the tourists.

If you are selling in a location that attracts holiday-makers, check that your property is being marketed to attract them. Many regions see an increase in tourists over the Christmas-new period and this often leads to property purchases.


Be open-minded about auction.

While less auctions tend to be scheduled through the Christmas-New Year period, this may be more about agents, auctioneers, solicitors and financial institutions being traditionally unavailable than the buyers and sellers that are still active in the market. It is still possible to sell at Xmas by Auction, and the finite outcome will especially appeal to buyers at this time of year. And the great news for sellers is that when the auction is successful, there is no need for banks, no need for building and pest…it’s all done and the sellers can relax and enjoy the festive season.


Be serious about selling.

Buyers who are looking through the Christmas-New Year period are usually serious about purchasing something, which can lead to a quick sale. Most Many may want to be able to move in before January, or at least the end of that month. Be prepared to work through negotiations on settlement time as well as price in order to achieve the successful outcome.


Get a bit Christmassy.

You might make you home look inviting through some selective decoration. Keep the look fresh and new, and still uncluttered. Aim for the right balance between the holiday spirit and a welcoming, spacious property. Take the decorations down in a timely manner. Marketing pics used after Christmas Day are best without the decorations.


No parties at your place

Don’t hold major Christmas celebrations at your place this year! You don’t need the chaos and extra people to accommodating extra people when you have to keep the house presentable for open inspections.