On or off-site, what’s best for the auction?

You have to love them both – in-rooms or on-site – because each has its merits.

At an on-site auction, buyers can get a real feel for the place. They can have a good look around, and really develop that sense of familiarity, even ownership, that can stay with them right through the bidding until the hammer falls… or the property is passed in.

On the other hand, in-rooms auctions are easier on the legs. You generally get to sit down and make yourself comfortable. You don’t have to boil under a summer sun, and you don’t need the umbrella when it rains.

Instead of attending several auctions at different times and at different locations, bidders who want to buy more than one property can see all the properties at one auction event in one place.

Some buyers love cruising the weekend opens and auctions, others find in-rooms, weekday-evening events with multiple properties are more their scene.

However, both types of venues are in sync when it comes to creating a high level of buyer interest. They both set a deadline for buyers and remove uncertainly for sellers. Both circumstances are transparent in process. Both provide an exciting atmosphere for buyers and sellers.



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