Covering all the bases

Covering all the bases - Newsroom header

Is there ever a seller who doesn’t want the best price when they sell? It is highly unlikely.

One way to maximize the amount your property sells for is to maximise the message of your intent to sell.

Shout it from the rooftops, by all means, but there is a lot more to it than that.

Put it out there with a marketing campaign that may include:

  • Online marketing;
  • Newspaper and magazine advertisements
  • Print marketing;
  • Social media;
  • Databases;
  • Videos;
  • Great sign boards;
  • Open-For-Inspections with street signage;
  • and more (and there are always new possibilities being offered every day!).

Industry sources suggest that from 1.8 million property buyers, more than one million would read content in print or online. Some swear print is more popular, others claim online the winner.

The fact is, you want to reach them all.

The ideal would be a multi-faceted approach that ensured all active buyers were reached many times during the marketing campaign.

Combining all this with an auction marketing campaign, may super-charge you and your agent’s efforts by creating competitive bidding with emotionally invested buyers.

Being discreetly ‘on the market’ is unlikely to get that sale price you’re dreaming of!