Auctioneer Showdown at July RE/MAX Rally

Auctioneer FinalistsFour RE/MAX agents will perform in front of approximately 300 of their peers when they compete for the 2016 Auctioneer of the Year title on 27th July at the mid-year RE/MAX Australia Rally in Brisbane.

Jacob Secco and Paul Gaffney of RE/MAX Executives and Tyler Bean of RE/MAX Profile Real Estate face the reigning champion Greg Parker of RE/MAX Regency when the four try to out-auctioneer each other to claim victory.

RE/MAX Australia Professional Development Manager, Melanie Marsh, said all contenders for the competition, be they beginner or experienced auctioneers, had two days of intense training with acclaimed auctioneer and trainer, Jason Andrew, before finalists were selected.

“The two-day course covers important auction skills and processes in a practical environment and is fantastic for building confidence and understanding the auction process whether someone is considering becoming an auctioneer or not,” she said.

Having already proved they can ‘talk the talk’, ‘walk the walk’ and can think on their feet, the successful finalists will take to the stage at the Rally, where they will put their skills to the test as they run a mock auction under the scrutiny of a qualified judging panel.

The winner of the 2016 Auctioneer of the Year title and $2,500 in prize money will be announced before the Rally closes.